Do you want the internet in your head?
There is no doubt that many an individual or even society has accrued tremendous benefits from the Internet in and of itself. There is also no doubt that with its benefits, the internet also introduced or redefined a set of challenges. I certainly would not like all that conflicted diversity and confusion concentrated in my head.
If you like the internet in your head what advantages and if you dislike what disadvantages?
First of all what does having the internet in one’s head implying? It might imply that one literally becomes the platform or conduit for all the diversity and often conflicted global beliefs, philosophies, and knowledge captured within the internet traffic. There is the positive side of the internet as a continuously growing repository of a vast consolidated body of knowledge that is often captured by the continuous exchange of positive progressive ideas, human knowledge, and cultural synthesis. However the negative aspect of the internet is that even on a global scale let alone in one’s head is that even with the positive ideas and knowledge, their diversity alone is often a source of conflict. There is also the dark side of the internet, often engendered by its global reach and perhaps a measure of anonymity, where all the darkest and undesirable ideas and even cultural antithesis find a ready platform for their expression of and even more vigorous promotion than they might have in the traditional sociocultural environment.
Image References:
[Accessed: 19/10/2011]
2- [Accessed: 19/10/2011]
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